
This blog is an assignment for CMP 272 Winter B 2010 to allow students an opportunity to present a valid argument, generate feedback (pro and con), post responses, and practice moderating skills in a technological environment.

Abortion is......

Abortion is the killing of a living, breathing unborn child. And they can be performed at any time during a pregnancy and the further you are in the pregnancy the child gets bigger and starts looking like a baby.

The only time that abortions should be done is if the woman life is at risk or if the woman got rapped. Because if they are just laying down and making them. Then they should have to take care of them and grow up. And stop having unprotected sex if they don't want the children.

So if you are one of them women that are just laying down and making babies then you should grow up and take responsibility for what you have done. Instead, of having the pregnancy aborted.

All abortion is murder because as soon as you conceive them and find out that you are pregnant. The unborn child is a human being. Do you think that you as the parent should be able to say if the innocent unborn baby should not be able to see life.

And if you do in up pregnant and you don't want the baby then give the baby a chance at life and live a long and wonderful life. Because there are many families that want a child but, they are unable to conceive a child. Because of problems that don't let you make a child. When you have abortion done you are killing a innocent life. "SO DON'T BE A MURDER, GIVE THEM A CHANCE." Let them be adopted by a family that wants them.

What types of abortion is there?

There is alot of different types of abortions being performed legal and iilegal.

First Trimester: Suction-aspiration or Dilation and Curettage or D&C.

Second Trimester: Dilation and Evacuation or D&E.

Third Trimester: Instillation techniques such as
saline amniocentesis or salt-posioning,urea abortion or nitrogen-based solution this is also given to the mother during labor to deliver a dead baby. There is also the intracardiac injections where they injection a solution into the brain.

Then after the first trimester if the woman wants a surgical abortion they would have to have a hysterotomy, partial-birth abortion and “therapeutic abortion.”

The statistics of abortions in the United States.

In the united states there was 1,293,000 abortions in 2004. All together there is over 40 million abortions being done all around us. And every day there are 4,000 women having abortions performed. Out of all the women it is 15-44 years olds of african american background.

Which trimester is murder?

Do you think abortion is murder.

Monday, March 22, 2010

no abortion

I could never do that to a child. It is muder anyway I look at it. When there has been doctors that tell you you will never be able to have kids, it changes your whole perspective on everything. Doctor have told me that several times. If there was anyway that i got pregnant i would never have an abortion done no matter what.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I dont know

i honestly think that its not right to have an abortion just cause you dont want the baby i think the only reason you should have one would be rape or if there is a medical risk to the child or the mother

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I think late term abortions shouldn't be performed but only if medically necessary. After all, a woman has 2 earlier trimesters to decide if they want to keep the baby. I believe that it there are some instances where they should be performed such as rape, incest, disability of the child, or a life threatning condition of the mother. I think it is ultimately the woman's right to choose. I have no right to tell someone else what they should do with their body or judge anyone else for their actions.

the woman should just decide.

I beleive that it is up to the mother to decide but in a situation hwere the mother may have been rapped I think that the abortion may be nessesary. this is overall an extremely hard topic for me to discuss.
I think all abortion is murder. The pics on ur blog are mostly pics of dead babies. They have hearts that are beating and abortion is stopping beating hearts therefore it is murder.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's your own choice

I think that abortion should be legal. It doesn't make you a terrible person if you become pregnate and don't want the baby and it doesn't mean that your sleeping with a lot of people if you do. If the mother doesn't want the child, then that is her right. I don't believe someone should keep their child if they don't want it all that is going to do is cause problems for the child.

Womens choice

Women out there should have the right to choose what is best for them. I dont think its murder either they are going back to god. Should we make women have childeren that are going to be mistreated, abused, and unloved. Not all childeren get adopted they end up in foster homes is that fair to them?